Gold Provenance

A robust, fully automated and ultra-secure solution for supply chain visibility

  • The Responsible Gold Supply Chain Application is used to track and trace doré from the mine to finished gold products at the vault or fabricator.
  • Blockchain technology ensures records are immutable: once uploaded they cannot be changed.
  • The Responsible Gold Supply Chain Application records are also irrefutable: the source data cannot be disputed.


The Responsible Gold Supply Chain Application uses cryptographic technology. Unlike QR codes, images or data uploads, this technology eliminates any possibility of record duplication or manipulation.


Tamper-proof, single-use microchips (“cryptoseals”) are used to match physical assets to digital data. This enables data input to be fully automated.

Real Time

A hand-held app is used to scan the cryptoseals at each custody transfer. This proves proximity and facilitates real-time data input onto the blockchain.

Access custody history at the click of a button

Watch a Responsible Gold run spanning 2 continents